Saturday, June 26, 2010

Oh, go take a hike!

The kids and I met up with Friends from Paramount Christian Church in Olympia, and went on a hike somewhere in the Washington rainforest! It was beautiful and supposed to be easy-moderate... but the first two miles were straight up a steep incline. We also learned it was a 5-mile hike once we got there...

In the river stream thing were these strange rock stacks... every boulder had a little rock standing on it. Either the aliens have come or... someone has too much time on their hands and a bit bottle of superglue...

You're kidding, right? We're only at 3 miles???

This is how Jake opted to get up the trail...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer Time!

In June, we finished up the school year - and teachers had, I mean, got to participate in the closing musical program. So Matthew and I sang together ... and I must say, it was actually sort of cool that we will remember the same some forever. :)

Being able to shake my students hands and give them their certificate was awesome, and my one graduating senior - he made us all a little sniffly.

Note the Russian writing behind us - I worked in a Russian church with mostly Russian and Ukrainian students. The only native English speakers in the school were Matthew, and the principal's two children.