Monday, March 30, 2009

First Practice - Jake's T-ball experience!

This is a very, very excited Jake! Finally the day had come for T-ball. He must have asked me 6 times on the way there, "Mommy! Is t-ball the same as baseball?" "Yes, Jake." Then five minutes later, he'd ask again. We had to stop by the Y to get the jerseys and he was so proud to put his on.


Su said...

So interesting to me to hear how a 3 year old really understands what things like sports even are! Dorian is so oblivious! Dh even got him one of those baseball mitt things with the ball and is like, "See, you throw the ball and catch it in the mitt!" And he was all "hmmm. OK. Can I do something else now?" ha ha ha!!!!

Rachel Elizabeth said...

He looks so cute with his little mitt!

KoriG said...

Oh, how fun!
Love that he was so excited to play!!