Friday, July 4, 2008

And the bombs bursting in air...

So. We went on a firework-photo-spot hunt tonight and I must say - we found the most incredible place to shoot. Right across the river from the place they shoot them off - no obstuctions. Of course, we had to walk in the dark through grass and weeds, under a barbed-wire fence (which some guy was holding for us) and... we were the only ones that were not fluent in Spanish. But it was a blast and really, I think I'd do the same thing again next year.
I am still not getting the hang of this 'shooting at night' stuff but, in my defense, it was so incredibly windy that I had a hard time holding the camera and tripod still. These are my favorite shots though:


patricia ΓΌ said...

i love the pics!!:]fourth of july is really fun! so cool!

Rachel Elizabeth said...

The fireworks pictures are great. They are so crisp.