Saturday, October 18, 2008

Boys on Wheels

Matthew was out in the rink as soon as he had his skates on.
Jake and I stuck to the carpeted areas.

We managed to get some shots of the three of us. I am cracking up in most of them because Jake keeps rolling away haha.

When they announced the Hokey Pokey, Matthew rushed out to the floor all by himself and did the whole thing! He didn't start falling until the "whole self in" part - which he took very seriously. He is so cool. :)

On our way to take Jake's skates off, I wanted to get at least one shot of him on his feet as evidence... but, it didn't work out very well. I LOVE the expression on his face haha.
As soon as we got those tennis shoes on, he was G-O-N-E hah. He would turn back, laugh and then run run run as fast as he could in the opposite direction. :)

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