Thursday, October 16, 2008

Say gundo

We had a funny conversation in the car on the way home and it reminded me of one he had with Amanda (who is learning Spanish).
Amanda: Matthew, segundo.
Matthew: Gundo.
Amanda: No, saaaygundo
Matthew: (irritated) GUNDO!
Amanda: (Laughing) Noooo, say is part of the word... SE-GUN-DO
Matthew: say gundo?
Anyway, I was talking about middle names and a Billy Joel song was on the radio, "In the middle of the night, I go walking in my sleep."
Matthew: Mom, the song is saying middle after you do.
Me: It's saying, "Middle after you do?" What the heck does that mean?
Matthew: Nooo, mom. It's saying MIDDLE aaaaafter yoooooouuu dooo.
Me: Huh?
Matthew: You said middle. Then the song did.
Me: Oh.
My kids crack me up. :D

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