Thursday, November 20, 2008

A day in the life of ... Mamu

Matthew has been begging me for days to dig out his camera (a used Nikon CoolPix 775 I got for $30 on Ebay for his 5th birthday). He asked if he could take it to school for show and tell, and I reluctantly agreed.
Ok - so today, about 7:45am. Second breakfast, pb&j sandwich.

Extreme close-up (minus one booger)
Mama looks a little bulky in this shot... but, Jake peeking over mommy's shoulder
In the car on the way to school... his knee.

Rain on the window - thought this turned out so cool (nope, no editing - straight out of the camera like that)

Bus ride home

1 comment:

KoriG said...

Oh, this is SOOO cool!
Alex has a camera and uses it occasionally. But I'm horrible about getting the photos off of the card. I really should do that! LOL
He took it with us on a family christmas shoot today, and as I'm taking pics of the family, he was too! LOL