Saturday, November 1, 2008

A modeling cat, falling leaves and a rainbow

Today's entry is sort of a mish mash of different things. First we finally hung Matthew's wreath on the front door. He is SO proud of it. :)

Jacket is the most social, annoying cat on the planet. If your hand is on a computer mouse, her belly is stretched across it. If you go to the bathroom, she's in her potty box right next to you. And heaven forbid your head hit a pillow. Anyway, the boys and I were drawing tonight and she of course came over to offer her assistance. She is so funny. Since she was there, Matthew went ahead and drew her hah.


KoriG said...

Love the model cat!!! She's so cute! And Matthew did a great job drawing her!
GORGEOUS rainbow!! We saw an awesome one yesterday, but were on a busy road with no time to stop and photograph it. Wish I could have though!!
Oh, the portraits!!
LOVE that shot of Matthew! And Jake's expression is adorable in the leaf shot!

Sigh..I SOOOO wish we could meet in the middle somewhere so I could do pics of your boys! I bet we'd have SOOOO much fun!

Rachel Elizabeth said...

I love the portrait of the cat!