Apparently it is a common thing for kittens to have roundworms. I am just afraid of them popping out and dropping all over the floor or something. Ewww I say again. BLEH! I have no photos for this particular blog entry... but let me go find something clever.
Ok so... picture this, but without the guitar and hat. And not an earthworm either.
In fact, the irony is great because we just started reading How to Eat Fried Worms as a bedtime story.
I remember dissecting these darn things back in college in my zoology class. Granted, this one was like 3mm. Except when it did that freako stretch out to 2 ft thing. Ugh. But the ones in zoology were stiff, dead and about 6 inches long. Naaasty. I HATE parasites. I still can't eat pork to this day due to a slide I saw once in AP Bio in high school - this nasty little pink thing in the tissue of a pig. Bleh.
So... don't worry. Jacket still gets to live here but she is in locked in a ziploc bag until I can get her medicated.
Oh stop. I have at least three air holes in it.
Ok, the worm thing isn't funny..yuck, gross, bleck...exactly why I don't have cats.
Good luck getting the pill down her throat...three air holes...hahaha....
Turns out it's a tapeworm!!! I am so grossed out I just can't even stand it! She'd be on the porch if it weren't so cold out. Matthew found another one on her tonight and she is locked in the bathroom! I am all OCD here now washing my hands and oh man, I just cannot express my digust and fear of tapeworms!!!! I have cats my WHOLE life and have never had to deal with this stuff??? I have been reading that about $14 at the vet for treatment and they are cured. Man I hope so. We're going in tomorrow!
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