Monday, November 17, 2008

Worms. Part 2.

This cat. I'm telling ya. My vet selection process was pretty scientific really. At 7:02 a.m., I pulled out the phone book and found the two vets who opened the earliest. One was a equine specialist who opened at 7:30a, and the other was a place called the Kitty Klinic. (Apparently, they have an awesome luxury resort for your cat, as well. Too cute!). I called at 7:15, 7:17 and 7:21 just in case they answered early. Finally at 7:32, a woman answered and I said, "Please, please - I have worms and I can't touch anything in my apartment without washing my hands 10 times. I can't eat because everything feels contaminated. Help me!" She told me the vet tech could apply some topical meds that would destroy all worm-like items inside my cat and the earliest appointment was 10:30a. She also said it was unnecessary to isolate that cat as we could not 'catch' her worms. I said it was more the 'worm infesting my house' thing that was getting to me, heh.

Matthew asked to go to school today, but Jake stayed home due to a snotty nose and overly tired disposition. We dropped Matthew off about 8:30a without a jacket, whoops. Jake and I went back home to get the jacket and Jacket and drove to the school to drop the jacket off. heh :) I had a vague idea where Lacey Blvd was but unfortunately, I tend to get lost before I find a new place. In my humble pursuit for the vet, Jacket began heaving at my feet - gross. I grabbed her, and she continued to throw up on my lap and arm. Nice. We found the quickest parking lot we could, and I shoved her into her carrier. Let me explain the glitch of this carrier. It has an opening that some day will be useful for her, but for now, is big enough she can squeeze through. But... I thought she might stay in it since she had already gotten sick.

When I smelled the cat poop, I cringed but thought eh, at least it's in the carrier, right? Wrong. All over Jake's artwork in the back - he was ticked. At this point, I am still lost and there is now a heaving sort of sound as I realize the cat is on Matthew's booster seat vomiting yet again. I will admit to not being fully patient and calm at this point.

In my aimless wandering, I see another vet clinic and we cut off a few cars crossing a lane to get into the parking lot. I pull Jacket out of the car and shove her into the immaculate carrier, and manage to get Jake out without him stepping in anything too disgusting. We head inside and get directions to the real vet (the one we went inside only treats healthy animals. Go figure.)

The rest is pretty boring but let me tell ya... it was a rough morning. My car is clean now but I am going to give the carpet another scrub tomorrow. The good news is we should be worm-free in 1-2 days, and I also bought a tube of Advantage that should hopefully kick off our last battle with Unwanted Things.

Jacket is cute, but she is way more work than I was ready to commit to.


KoriG said...

OMG, where are you finding these graphics? LMAO! That toothy worm thing is major creepy!

Oh, so sorry it was such an ordeal to get Jacket to the vet! Who knew she'd be carsick!
I'm so sorry, but I'm so glad you got it all taken care of!

Jen said...

Hah, I went to Google images and typed in Death Worm or something like that. :p